Dr. Fawwaz Jabalah

Dr. Fawwaz Jabalah

I was struggling to complete my unfinished research that was all at the data collection stage. I needed someone to consult me to pace up my research in time through appropriate data analysis, discussions and assist me develop a paper that could be rated for high impact factor journal publishing. Faculty Consultants assisted me with each and every step by keeping me in charge of the main research and assisted me for the entire editing process to assist me with getting the work published within the deadline for my promotion.

Dr. Fawwaz Jabalah
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Irbid, Jordan

Book Publishing Assistance

Book Publishing Assistance

  • Book Topic Suggestion
  • Book Cover Designing
  • Book Publishing Assistance
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Journal Publishing Assistance

Journal Publishing Assistance

  • Journal Selection
  • Journal Publishing Consultancy
  • Research Skills Training Programs
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Student Management System

Student Management System

  • Discussion Groups for Students
  • Communication Platform
  • Record Management
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Examination System

Examination System

  • Course Management/Reference books
  • Online Test Management 
  • Results Management Online
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Personal Web Portfolio

Personal Web Portfolio

  • Personal Website
  • Updated Publications
  • Online CV with Linkedin Profile
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University Policy Documents Review

University Policy Documents Review

  • Compliance Document Review
  • Policy Document Editing & Review
  • Notices and Announcements
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Class Lectures & Presentations

Class Lectures & Presentations

  • Lecture Consultancy via Course book
  • Class PowerPoint Presentation
  • Class Handouts Assistance 
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Curriculum & Syllabus Development

Curriculum & Syllabus Development

  • Instructor Manual Consultancy
  • Semester Schedule
  • Course Content Assistance
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